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Get 100% Refund On Airline Ticket Cancellation, Get 100% Refund On Airline Ticket Cancellation
With Trip Flex, you'll change your itinerary once or maybe postpone your trip according to Allegiant Cancellation Policy without paying cancellation fees of $ 75 each way per passenger. you'll be liable for any change within the price of airfare but your change fees are going to be waived. Passengers with Trip Flex tickets can modify their itinerary once, up to 1 hour before departure for airline ticket purchases, and up to 72 hours before departure for air / hotel package purchases.
Before I start the list, I must clearly point out that these "myths" are not always wrong. Without any doubt, there are people who can take advantage of almost anything, but I think most qualified professionals agree with 99% of what is on the list. (Updated: Some people seem to have skipped this paragraph and decided to swing in the comments. Relax, folks. I like to keep things on the site. If you disagree, do so politely).
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